Sometimes we are asked about a trick we pulled off years ago to prove how good Docs really is. Okay here goes-Assuming injection wax only, and you will be casting diamonds "stone in place" very little changes. Put he diamonds in the wax just as you would in metal. Be sure to use decent diamonds, certain extensive flaws will lead to breakage. Do be neat-no sloppy wax work allowed. No special alloy is required-Just use 95/5 platinum. You will keep the "burnout" down to 850 or 900 degrees F! This will hopefully avoid damaging the diamonds with excessive heat such as a 1300 degree burnout. That kind of heat will ruin any stone let alone diamonds. Some folks are brave enough to try this with other stones such as sapphire, but we make no guarantees here. So you keep the oven at 900 F and hold that long enough for all the wax to burn out. This is at least six hours. Then you remove the flask, let it cool to 500F and cast as per usual. I have posted a picture or two from wh...
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